Monday, August 17, 2009

my 16 year old self


You know what I like about staying at home? You can be totally selfish and have some dedicated "me" time. You can watch the Woodstock 40th anniversary recap on the History Channel and make all the annoying comments you want to. You can listen to the Silversun Pickups with no objections. And sometimes, you learn things about yourself.

This is how I want to remember my sixteen year old self:
selfish, timid, fascinated, lazy, dorky, book worm, plain, daydreamer, confused, frustrated, warm, faithful, realistic, closet fashionista...excited for life!

HOW DO YOU want to remember your 16 year old self? How much have you changed since then?

To my small, small group of readers, I love you all! I'm glad I can put a smile on your face.

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