Thursday, July 30, 2009

"Photoshoot" w. Julia & Sarah

1 amateur photographer
2 best friends w/ no modeling experience
1 great experience!

Though I can't say the photos are magazine worthy, I've learned a lot from this fun session.
1. Planning and having everyone understand the theme is a must.
2. You have to pay attention to everything in the frame. One branch, one leaf, or a busy background can instantly detract from the picture.
3. Having bright sunlight shine directly in your subject's face will equal FAILURE.
4. Location is key.
5. Manage your time wisely and don't get sidetracked by heart-warming movies, such us UP.
6. Don't say your negative/confused thoughts can dishearten your model.
7. Walk all around your location and try to visualize shots/poses.
8. Take breaks every now and then, esp. if it's hot and humid outside.
9. Laugh at failed attempts with your models.
10. Look over all photos and pick out absolute favorites.

Below are my top picks from the photo shoot:

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Happy 95 years, I.N.C.

Well, the actual anniversary was yesterday, but I was too knocked out to write a post.
Long live Iglesia Ni Cristo.
pics later.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

6 Flags - EDIT

To ease the awkwardness between have fun with my classmate friend Tommy, and my dear friend Michelle, me and my brother went to 6 flags with them. We went to arguably the most ghetto 6 flags in America (no joke!). But the weather was bearable & the lines were short (except the Bat Wing)

and here....was the highlight of the day.

Also, I finally finished my tote bag. It's a just a navy canvas tote I bought with a rice bag cover sewed on the cover w/ a red&white striped strap.

pockets for a pen/pencil & my cell phone

I can wear it cross-shoulder or one-shoulder.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Recycled Fashion Trends

For my grandparents GOLDEN anniversary, I am putting together a slideshow so everyone can reminisce on the "progress" of the Ramos family. 1 married couple, 7 kids, & 15-16 grandkids (it seems like they pop out babies every year - I tend to forget). WHOO!

Anyways, back to the title.
While browsing through many old photos, I can't help but notice the clothes that they are wearing. The silhouettes, the colors, the accessories, the shoes - it all fascinates me. Mainly because the fashion industry continues to recycle old trends! However, I am excited. High-waisted bottoms, feminine dresses, and conservative tops are the epitome of "classic" ladies. Pulling off sexy without having clothes clinging to your skin is always alluring.

I'm going to have to go thrift store shopping soon.

my auntie reina in the 90's I guess

my ate anna and her friend. their floral dresses are to die for!

my mom (left) and auntie reina look very comfortable in their slightly slouchy jeans and simple t-shirts.

Death to whoever deems bell bottoms cool. But I do like everyone's belts.

my mom's shirt would fit in with the current zipper trend. I never did like those ridiculous perms.

nice 'stache, uncle larry. my auntie winny looks so dainty in that dress.
just for laughs =D

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Harry Potter & The Half-Blood Prince

Harry Potter & The Half-Blood Prince

quick verdict: GRAB YOUR POPCORN!
Loyal fans and casual movie goers of all ages will enjoy the enticing world of magic - as well as the darker undertones and teenage angst.

...its coming

Friday, July 10, 2009

double post: D.C. & beginner DIY

Most of my summer involves me lounging around this house (curse this suburban town and my 20/60 hours driving requirement), but every once and a while, I get to liven things up.

D.C. with my friend Dominique, the art aficionado

places visited: Hirshhorn Sculpture Garden & Museum, Chinatown, American Art Museum, Freer + Sackler Gallery
see more pics on my MYSPACE.

t-shirt into halter

If you want to get crafty yourself, check out THREADBANGERS.