Friday, July 17, 2009

Recycled Fashion Trends

For my grandparents GOLDEN anniversary, I am putting together a slideshow so everyone can reminisce on the "progress" of the Ramos family. 1 married couple, 7 kids, & 15-16 grandkids (it seems like they pop out babies every year - I tend to forget). WHOO!

Anyways, back to the title.
While browsing through many old photos, I can't help but notice the clothes that they are wearing. The silhouettes, the colors, the accessories, the shoes - it all fascinates me. Mainly because the fashion industry continues to recycle old trends! However, I am excited. High-waisted bottoms, feminine dresses, and conservative tops are the epitome of "classic" ladies. Pulling off sexy without having clothes clinging to your skin is always alluring.

I'm going to have to go thrift store shopping soon.

my auntie reina in the 90's I guess

my ate anna and her friend. their floral dresses are to die for!

my mom (left) and auntie reina look very comfortable in their slightly slouchy jeans and simple t-shirts.

Death to whoever deems bell bottoms cool. But I do like everyone's belts.

my mom's shirt would fit in with the current zipper trend. I never did like those ridiculous perms.

nice 'stache, uncle larry. my auntie winny looks so dainty in that dress.
just for laughs =D

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAHHA! i agree with you if only my parents
    still had some of the clothes they owned back then
