Thursday, July 30, 2009

"Photoshoot" w. Julia & Sarah

1 amateur photographer
2 best friends w/ no modeling experience
1 great experience!

Though I can't say the photos are magazine worthy, I've learned a lot from this fun session.
1. Planning and having everyone understand the theme is a must.
2. You have to pay attention to everything in the frame. One branch, one leaf, or a busy background can instantly detract from the picture.
3. Having bright sunlight shine directly in your subject's face will equal FAILURE.
4. Location is key.
5. Manage your time wisely and don't get sidetracked by heart-warming movies, such us UP.
6. Don't say your negative/confused thoughts can dishearten your model.
7. Walk all around your location and try to visualize shots/poses.
8. Take breaks every now and then, esp. if it's hot and humid outside.
9. Laugh at failed attempts with your models.
10. Look over all photos and pick out absolute favorites.

Below are my top picks from the photo shoot:


  1. niceee, i need to show you some of mine

  2. Very pretty =]] I love the pictures. Everyone looks so nice in their outfits man.
