Thursday, September 10, 2009

Is this what college is like?

Taking notes, studying (mainly by yourself), test?!
anyways, this pic. was taken by my dad, who is still infatuated with his Nikon D90, making models out of me, my bro, and my mom.
I think it pretty much represents me right now, studying while being distracted by music and social networking the way, the song I'm listening to is called Siempre Me Quedara by Bebe.
She is from Spain, and appears to be quite popular in the pop region. The song I mentioned is one of her more stripped down songs, featuring her raspy voice, minimal percussion, and guitar strings to die for! If you have time, listen to her album Pafuera Telaranas - it's pretty solid.

As an aspiring journalist, it's unfortunate that I have minimal opportunities to practice any journalism skills. My school doesn't even have a newspaper. Though, I am trying my hardest to document Key Club through upkeep of the website and photos/video. I even made a video after the first meeting!

Sorry for the minimal posting, a combo. of procrastinating and zero inspiration on my part.
Though I am going to play tennis with my friend Yuri this weekend (we both suck, so that should be interesting) and I'm touring University of Maryland - College Park next friday! I'm so excited!

1 comment:

  1. College is like that, but think of it like this... sleep, study, eat, study, class, study, eat, class, study. There is no world but the academic world you're in. Freshmen year was easy... closing in on junior year... not so much. Freshmen year was a lot like senior year's AP classes.
    Congrats, you have a new follower.

    <3 Trisha C.
    From Waldorf. You know me.
