Wednesday, November 25, 2009

super quick ! Opinion/Review: New Moon

QUICK VERDICT: Diehard fan or pressured to go, the impressive visual experience, believable acting, and of course, the complicated romance, makes New Moon worth your $9.

WHO YOU'LL SIT NEXT TO: General fans (the obsessed ones have already seen it), dates, girls, groups of teenagers, moms, boys dragged along, girls

PLOT: Bella doesn't want to age. Edward makes a clean break from Bella and leaves her devastated. Bella becomes a social recluse, has nightmares, and sees apparitions of Edward every time she does something dangerous. Bella befriends ridiculously buff, werewolf Jacob. The definition of Jacob and Bella's friendship constantly gets blurred. When Bella gets word that Edward will kill himself, she jets off to save him...and I really don't want to reveal the conclusion.

SPARE ME: Bella's pathetic depression, cheesy humor, Bella's depression (it's that annoying)

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